Sunday, March 7, 2010


Friday night we went to see Alice in Wonderland!

It was such a fun movie. I will admit it was slow at some parts--but I a loved Alice in Wonderland as a little girl and watching it Friday just brought me back. Tim Burton did a cool continuation of the original story and I would recommend it to anyone.

Last night we watched the movie Dragonfly.

It's an older movie starring Kevin Costner that D had seen before and he remembered thinking it was cool so we decided to rent it. It was a bit jumpy and even somewhat scary at parts, but definitely more of a drama than a horror movie. It was really entertaining and the plot was very creative. Another movie that is definitely worth watching.

Today we watched Michael Jackson's This Is It.

Wow. I am not a huge Michael Jackson fan, but the movie blew me away. The time and effort everyone, including Michael, put into planning his concert is unbelievable. And after all that work, he died less than three weeks before the 50 concert series was supposed to begin. All 50 shows were sold out with ticket sales totaling more than 300 million euros--around 600 million dollars! His passion for every detail of his music was meaningful to D and me because of our love for music. Michael was involved with every part of his show--I don't think any other pop artist on the planet has the combined musical, dancing, and artistic talent. He was truly one of a kind and the movie was an excellent tribute to him. It has been out for quite some time--I know we are a little behind seeing it--but if any of you haven't seen it yet, go pick up a copy. I really think you will like it.

I'm sorry if any of these recommendations lead you to seeing a movie you don't enjoy--I should let you know we love love love movies and I can usually find redeeming qualities in any movie. I am not an intense critic. That being said, all of the movies mentioned in this post really were enjoyable and I don't think anyone would feel they wasted their time after watching them.

Amongst our movie watching this weekend, we attended my brother's wedding yesterday and it went beautifully. I will upload the pictures and post about it this week!



  1. Jacque, I am so so glad you are back to blogging! I have missed you:) That is so exciting that your brother got married last weekend. Tell him congratulations from me. I hope I get to see you soon, love you!

  2. I cant wait to see pics of Clints wedding!! That is so exciting. And I am so proud of you for updating :) I LOVED seeing you at Kapris blessing. I miss you. Lets make seeing each other happen more often! Love you!
